
Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support

Throughout 2023-24, I continued rescuing underweight, dehydrated, injured and orphaned bats. I am pleased to say that many of my rescues slowly gained weight and strength and were eventually released to fly free as soon as the weather improved. Meanwhile, I have been...

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They’re back

They’re back

It suddenly got busy around here on the catering front. I was preparing homemade rice pud for my other half, and feeding the chooks, and then heard a familiar squawk. I was delighted and relieved! I’ve not heard or seen my feathered buddies since mid-July, and at the...

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Safe Space

Safe Space

A late afternoon walk and I stumbled across a little hideaway containing a single comfy leather chair. I sat with my furry buddy, Freya, watching a lone star shining in the evening sky. A flock of swans called as they flew high above. A lucky find, and just what I...

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Storm Ciaran Pip

Storm Ciaran Pip

Ciaran, the Sop. pip arrived on our Wedding Anniversary, November 1st.   He'd been seen the day before at the base of a tree but was left there.  As he was still there the following day the finder put him in a box and contacted me. Ciaran was extremely underweight for...

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This a.m. I received another call from a nearby village regarding another little Brown Long-eared bat. He was found on the ground in a metal and woodworking yard. The workers were unsure how long the bat had been there or whether it had fallen from a curtain covering...

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Wanda doing well

Wanda doing well

Wanda, my little Barbastelle snoozing after her lunchtime feed. She guzzles her milk - she absolutely loves it. She also enjoys her ‘meat’ meals, but from day one milk has been her favourite. Look at those tootsies.  Wanda, checking out her food bowl. It never ceases...

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Wanda Barbastelle

Wanda Barbastelle

A new arrival, a dehydrated and underweight barbastelle bat. She sought refuge on a military base and I felt I should salute as the soldier stepped out of his vehicle in his army uniform.  She is a youngster, a little beauty, and my photo doesn't do her justice. I...

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Chiff Chaff

Chiff Chaff

A chiffchaff outside our lounge window investigating the teasel and hollyhocks for insects. We've also seen Goldfinches at such close quarters and feel very privileged.

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Nathusius Pipistrelle

Nathusius Pipistrelle

My immediate thought – I have a Nathusius’. His name is Giles, and he was found grounded on the 26th September. Nathusius’ pips are larger than our Common and Sopranos’ but I still needed to verify that everything checked out. Thankfully he wasn't injured - just in...

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Little Rosemary

Little Rosemary

When Little Rosemary was rescued, she weighed only 2.63 grams and was a tiny, late-born, injured, sticky-winged, and mite-infested pup. As she grew, the small tear in her wing membrane became a 1cm hole, the little white patch, located to the right of her fifth...

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Bernie and Poppy

Bernie and Poppy

  Released Bernie Pip, last night. He was a good weight, flying well in the Bat Flight and it was lovely to finally see him flying free.         Poppy, my noctule, had her wing op. two days ago, and I'm heartbroken.  My dear Poppy had to be...

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A glimmer of hope

We were at Southampton Hosp. again yesterday, and my lovely fella' has been given a glimmer of hope. There is a medication that won't stop the disease, but fingers crossed it may slow its progression.  In the evening, I counted six brown long-eared bats leaving their...

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