
Onwards and Upwards

Jul 5, 2020 | Family, Larmer Tree Studio

Our lovely white pigeons left for their new home today.  Not only were they our pets for four years, it was also a new venture that unfortunately never got off the ground due to family health issues.  It was heartbreaking having to part with them – but we have searched long and hard and found a good home for them.  

Next on the list was Brian’s health and organising his appointment with the hospital.  Fingers crossed there is nothing untoward going on.  Meanwhile, my knee is slowly but surely improving and once it is better I will be able to return to my studio, and crack on with some much-needed artwork. My mobile is also back home from the repairers and functioning correctly yay!! I didn’t realise just how much I relied on it – not just for work, but for my wildlife rescue activities.

And on that note, am also hoping to be releasing the Pipistrelle bat that was cat attacked back in April.  She was very poorly but has improved tremendously over the past few months;  I just need to see her flying in a ‘bat flight’ to be sure that she can feed herself and be independent.  If so, she will be back in the wild very soon and flying free.  Plus my little baby bat that arrived last week is now putting on weight and so far doing well.  We are getting sorted…a step at a time.

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