Out of the Shadows


Fine Art Watercolour Paper
Giclee Prints
Size: 295mm x 420mm

Original Painting Medium: Pastel Pencils
Scientific Name: Ceratotherium simum
Region: South Africa

I was invited to portray an African endangered species for the ‘Explorers Against Extinction’ auction, to be held at the Royal Geographical Society, in October 2017. All funds raised to help protect rhinos, elephants, and lions and combat wildlife crime in Africa.

I knew immediately which species I wished to portray and couldn’t wait to get started on my new artwork.  I’ve been supporting a number of wildlife groups for 50+ years; Rhinos Without Borders being one of them. Months later my artwork ‘Out of the Shadows – White Rhino’, was duly delivered to the Explorers Against Extinction venue.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were estimated to be 500,000 rhinos across Africa and Asia. At the end of 2015, there were only 29,000 rhinos  (five species) surviving in the wild.

In South Africa, poachers kill on average 3 rhinos per day: a rhino dies every 7 hours to feed the demand for horn and ivory on the black market. Our rhinos and elephants need all the help they can get.

The grand sum of £250 was raised by my artwork and has been donated to combat wildlife crime in Africa. My artwork, ‘Out of the Shadows’ is now on display at Larmer Studio.

With the sale of each ‘Out of the Shadows’ fine art print, I donate a portion: 10% of the retail cost, to combating wildlife crime in Africa. Funds raised support specialist anti-poaching dogs such as Frontline Canines; the dogs are deployed to important rhino breeding areas in Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Kenya and are trained by the UK group, ‘Animals saving Animals’. If you can help, please support Rhino Conservation and help our remaining rhinos.  https://rhinoconservationbotswana.com/